Sunday, February 3, 2013

BzzAgent: Buzz For Hire

Have you ever observe every times when people talk it's always maintain about product and service for example "Did you know there is a new restaurant in town? the food and service are great!" or "Don't go to that new restaurant! I god food poisoning and had to take two days". Because of human natural, humans love to share them experience to each other all the time no matter how good or bad. It's a provenance of Word-to-Mouth advertising which is the marketing strategy that using human voice or any communicative for advertising brand such as through the internet or via text message. So,word-to-mouth is a powerful promotional tool and should be consider as a part of almost every business marketing strategy.

A company like BzzAgent aim to do just that. The company has  assembled a nationwide volunteer of natural -born buzzers and will channel their chatter toward products and service the deem worth talking about. BzzAgent's method is simple for example once a client signs on, the company searches its database for "agent" matching the demographic and psychographic profile of target customer of the product or service. Those folk are offered a chance to sign up for a buzz company. Volunteers receive a product and training manual for buzz-creating strategies. These strategies include talking about the product to friends, chatting up sale people at retail-outlets , or e-mail influence people on the product's behalf. Each time agent complete an activities, they are expected to file a report describing the nature of the buzz and it's effectiveness and feedback on additional techniques.   

However, Word-of-Mouth is difficult to control and measure but can spread quickly and be highly influence in purchase decision. Think about the last film you went to see, the last car you bought or the area you live in. Chances are you arrived at those choices due to a personal recommendation from a friend or trust a acquaintance.                          

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