Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Commercial Are Coming On Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League(NFL), the highest level American football in the United State. The Super Bowl is also among the most watch sporting evening in the world, because of it's high viewership, commercial airtime during the Super Bowl boardcase is the most expensive of the years. Due the high cost of investing in advertising on the Super Bowl, companies actually develop their most expensive advertisement for this boardcase. As a result , watching and discussing the boardcase's commercial has become a significant aspect of the event.

A survay  by the Retail Advertising and Marketing Association asked consumer about their reason for watching the Super Bowl. Seeing advertising was ranked as the main reason by 16 percent of consumer, this number increase to 25 percent. On another survay, for male the enjoy watching game at first followed by watching the ads and spend time with friend and family, but for female watch the ads come in first followed by the game and friends and family.
Airing a commercial during the Super Bowl can prove to be valuable for advertisers seeking an audience for their products and services. such as the network who boardcase the Super Bowl can charge a premium on the advertising during the game. to the point where marketer have rised concerns that Super Bowl advertising has become so expensive that the sales the advertising produce do not payfor the cost of buying ads time.
For example, Miracle Stain commercial is the good strategy overall and tide, because this ads had humor , relevance to the game, a great story line, and put the product front and center.

Video News Release: Promoting The News Or Deceptive Advertising?

A Video News Release (VNR) is a video that is released free to television station to tell a story or convey information. A VNR can tell about company, new product, or service or be used to make a annoucement. VNRs are designed to ue in TV station newscaste, that also provide a way for the audience to make a visual connection with company and company's product or service. 
However the VNR was attacked by mant kind of sources and the criticism has not been quiet, it start when a series of VNRs produced by Bush adminitration promoting a new medicare program in 2004 PRs profressional pose as a junalist and painted the Bush position on Medicare is very favorable light. because they was not identified as such, and the sponsorship of the VNR was so pooely identified, Democrats cried foul, call the VNRs "covert advertising," "fake new" They rise enough noise to lead the government whatchdog General Accouting Office (GAO) to open an inquiry into the incident.
After that, in 2004, additional agency require about the ethics of VNRs. The controversy began a few years back when the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) cracking down on VNR ues after it was discover the White House using them to promote it's own agenda. Then the FCC took action either stations disclosed the source of VNR footage with a title on screen. Many stations chose option-don't run VNRs at all. The FFC warned televistion stations that the could be fined for airing news story provide by the government and the companies without disclosing who mad them.    
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced four more fines against Comcast, for its cable channel CN8 having aired multiple video news releases (VNRs) without disclosure. But the bigger story is the FCC's reasoning behind the fines.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Marketers Head to China

The people republic of China is the world's second largest and fastest growing economy in the world, the growing of advertising in China is tremendous economic growth of the country, particularly in the urban areas that are home to more than a third of the country's population. there is also a new spirit of consumption as reform in China  has brought about dramatic increase in the purchasing power and size of the middle class.

Nike is a one of company that has been extremely successful in marketing it's product in China, which is regarded as the coolest among brand young consumer in the country. Nike surpassed Li Ning as the top sport shoes brand, then it shoes sell $100 or more pair-twice that of other brand other important part of Nike's strategy was to partner with the National Basketball Association (NBA), which has begun televising game in China, and to bring such players as Michael Jordan and others to the country for visiting client, Nikie also contracted with China most famous living person, NBA star Yao Ming of the Houston Rocket, however the company has already signed China's next likely NBA star Yi Jianlian, who is currently plays for the Guandong Tigers.          

Media Face Challenges in Maintaining " The Wall "

Advertising is the primary source of revenue for all media companies because the revenue from advertising can pay for staff wages and help with the start up cost. Not only that , but the right type of advertisement place through a media can also boots them sale. On the surface, selling magazine advertisement wouldn't seem much difference than selling newspaper advertisement in a key reasons. Then advertisement   spending a strong influence on media.  

Most magazine and newspaper publisher insist they do not allowed advertiser pressure to influence their editorial content. They argue that they have long regarded the formal separation of their of their new and business department as essential to their independent and credibility. this separate is often referred to as "The Wall" and is often spoken of with a mixture of reverence and trepidation. Many magazine and newspaper have traditionally discouraged employees on the publish side, include advertising, circulation, and other business departments, from interacting with those on the editorial side who write and edit an articles, this can be done by separating editorial and advertising offices, barring the sale force from reading article before they are printed, and prohibiting editorial employees from participating in advertising sales calls.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

BzzAgent: Buzz For Hire

Have you ever observe every times when people talk it's always maintain about product and service for example "Did you know there is a new restaurant in town? the food and service are great!" or "Don't go to that new restaurant! I god food poisoning and had to take two days". Because of human natural, humans love to share them experience to each other all the time no matter how good or bad. It's a provenance of Word-to-Mouth advertising which is the marketing strategy that using human voice or any communicative for advertising brand such as through the internet or via text message. So,word-to-mouth is a powerful promotional tool and should be consider as a part of almost every business marketing strategy.

A company like BzzAgent aim to do just that. The company has  assembled a nationwide volunteer of natural -born buzzers and will channel their chatter toward products and service the deem worth talking about. BzzAgent's method is simple for example once a client signs on, the company searches its database for "agent" matching the demographic and psychographic profile of target customer of the product or service. Those folk are offered a chance to sign up for a buzz company. Volunteers receive a product and training manual for buzz-creating strategies. These strategies include talking about the product to friends, chatting up sale people at retail-outlets , or e-mail influence people on the product's behalf. Each time agent complete an activities, they are expected to file a report describing the nature of the buzz and it's effectiveness and feedback on additional techniques.   

However, Word-of-Mouth is difficult to control and measure but can spread quickly and be highly influence in purchase decision. Think about the last film you went to see, the last car you bought or the area you live in. Chances are you arrived at those choices due to a personal recommendation from a friend or trust a acquaintance.                          

Friday, January 25, 2013

Pad Thai: A Product Of Thailand

Pad Thai or stir-fried Thai noodle is the one of Thailand's best know dishes (it is listed at number five on World's 50 most delicious foods reader poll complied by CNN Go in 2011.) that people are seen and eaten as a light meal at anytime of the day or night, and it is especially popular at the night markets throughout the country.Recently, any companies manufactured Pad Thai to be instant for the foreigner purchase as a food souvenir. Instant Pad Thai was packed in kind of a paper box set or plastic wrap encompass. it is maintaining with superb texture of originally Pad Thai and also convenience and enjoyment cooking simply heat serve.

Image for example
Image for example

Ingredient: (include in a packing)
1. Dry instant noodle
2.Pad Thai source pack

Option (Can put another ingredient to maintain the original taste) 
2.Vegetable oil
3.Been spouts
4.Chinese chive 
or another depend on the recipe.

Serving Instruction.
cook instant noodle in hot water until noodle is slightly soft in center and then  drain well. After that stir-fry eggs in vegetable oil until cooked, open source pack stir in content and cooked noodle. Finally add bean spouts and Chinese chive as preferred.   


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Where to Stay in Thailand: Thailand's Homestay

Thailand is the one of country which a rich with custom, culture, and beautiful resources, for tourism Thailand can offer the visitor to stay many different and unique homestay if they interested in learning Thai culture. Homestay is a form of tourism that allows the visitor to rent a room from the local family to better learn the local lifestyle as well as improve their language ability. Thailand is a country that do to encourage homestay as a means of developing of tourism industry.  

"Homestay standard Thailand" is the campaign which government of Thailand organized  to support homstay business under the same standard and aimed to a standard community host in Thailand maintain their identity and can be associated with other activity that generate income for the community as well as supplement income from the main occupation of the community.

For example, Homestay Khonkean is a rural homestay in a quiet country village in northeastern region Esan which offer the visitor visit them at home, observe the local cottage industries, get first hand experience in the rice field, and visit the village school. Travelling in Esan is like traveling back in time, people of the Esan pursue agrarian lifestyle dictated by the annual  cycle of the farming season and unchanged by the passage of time. The region's ancient culture traditions and custom in music, legends and festivals are better preserved here than anywhere else in Thailand and the people is friendly and charming, even though it is among the poorest of Thailand.

Credit picture : Thai Homestay