Friday, January 18, 2013

Tourism in Thailand: Perfect Destination

Hello everyone!! To day, I would like to tell you a story about "perfect destination of Thailand" Thailand became to the perfect destination for international tourism for long time. Thailand offer a variety of attraction include sandy beaches area (hundred of tropical island in the south), varied night-life, exceptional flora and greatest tropical fruits, moreover the traditional festival of Thailand are the most outstanding for attracted people around the world to visit Thailand such as water splash the Songkran festival and traditional fairytale culture of Loy Krathong. So in this blog I would like to introduce two of the most prominent festival of Thailand Song-Kran and Loy-Krathong.
First, I will tell you a bout the Sonkran festival, the festival is celebrate in Thailand as a traditional New Year's day from 13-15 April the most obvious activity of Songkran days is throwing everywhere the water into other because people believed the water as a symbol is washing all of the bad away and this festival along with hot season time in Thailand. However this activity was not the main point of this festival, Songkran was traditionally a time to visit and pay respect to elders, include family member, friends, neighbor, and monks. 

Foreigners visit Thailand on Songkran

Beside throwing the water, people in Thailand celebrate Songkran as a Buddhist ceremony they may also go to the temple to pray and give food to monks, people also clean Buddha image or statue in household by gently pouring water mixed with a Thai fragrance (it called Nam Ob) over them, they believe that doing that will bring good luck and prosperity for the new year.

Songkran festival people always go to the temple

Second, Loy Krathong festival, it is a festival celebrate annually throughout Thailand placing the evening of the full moon of the 12th in the traditional Thai Luna calendar or around November. Thai use the Kratong to thank goddess of water Pra Mae Kongka. The traditional Krathong are made by the layer of banana tree.

People come to Loy Krathong

Krathongs on the river


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