Friday, November 30, 2012

IKIA - Moving Day (Marketing)

"Moving Day" media campaign of IKIA in Canada, which providing people with box for moving house when finding box can find hard in the week leading up to moving day Thus, IKIA do provide branded box that people could take with them, boxes was printed with moving trip, checklist, cooking trip, and surely with a discount offer for IKIA furniture. Moreover, there boxes could be transformed into chair when people got a moment of exhaustion. 

The boxes were posted all over around the town, when the boxes were taken people will found the massage underneath for keep people coming back for more. Further, boxes were place at giveaway site and at the IKIA store also. 

IKIA needed to help local in the way that was relevant to their situation at hand "We saw a huge opportunity to tap into the cultural fuel of urban communalism – peoples desire to return to a time when neighbor helped neighbor, and a sense of “we” versus “me” was felt around the block. In doing so, we could help move our Anxious Urbanites from a feeling of disorganized desperation to a state of composed and organized optimism." representative of IKIA in Canada said.

Store traffic increased by +14% and sale increased by +24.5% from the previous year after variable of "Moving Day" promotion, for IKIA it increase come from their "Cardboard Box".

Finally, after wrote this article I realized the marketing of IKIA is an incredible, when they success with this campaign able to promote and provide the soft sale strategy in to local community.  

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